Norfolk Passport

Top 5 | Norfolk's Markets

Norfolk's Markets 

Market: A regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other commodities.

We are very fortunate in Norfolk to still have many fantastic markets that we can visit on a daily or weekly basis. Whether we are looking for food, flowers, clothing, knick-knacks or something a little different, you are certain to find it all and much more. The markets have been at the heart of our towns for several hundreds of years and are still a regular meeting place for many people. 

We have chosen our top 5 Norfolk markets below... which is your favourite?!

Norwich Market

Norwich Market was recently awarded the 'Best Outdoor Large Market in Great Britain'! Founded by the Normans in the 11th Century, it still remains on the same site today. It is a bustling and vibrant focal point for Norwich and helps to bring in many visitors to Norwich every day.

Many services are offered at the market such as clothing, mobile phone and jewellery repairs but it's the food scene which has really made its mark on the city... There are over 25 food stalls offering all types of cuisines from all over the world including Indian, Spanish, Chilean, Malaysian and Moroccan, with loads of choices for vegetarians and vegans too!

Located on Gentleman's Walk in Norwich City Centre. 

Open Monday - Saturday and some stalls trade on a Sunday too!

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Fakenham Market

Fakenham was first given its market town status in 1250 and has retained it ever since.

Fakenham now has a modern day Thursday Market with a large number of traders offering a wide range of goods including clothing, foods, fruit and vegetables, plants and household supplies. A vast number of people in the region travel into town and ‘make a day of it’, as they’ve done for many years. The centre becomes a very lively social centre where people catch up with local news and see familiar faces.

Alongside the Thursday Market, there is a weekly auction held at the James Beck sale room which starts at 11am every Thursday. 

Every Thursday 9am - 3pm

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Swaffham Market

Dating back over 800 years, Swaffham Market is a Saturday tradition within the town. An outdoor market, there's over 30 stalls offering everything from fresh meat, fruit and vegetables, cheeses and eggs, housewares, confectionary, clothes, tools, bric-a-brac, plants and more. The choice of goods attracts locals and tourists to create a delightful buzz with the sounds, smells and colour in an atmosphere brimming with activity.

At 11am, the auction bell is rung and a wide variety of things are sold on the steps outside the Greyhound Pub, it's exciting to watch and maybe make a bid on a thing or two.

Every Saturday 9am - 4pm.

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Sheringham Market

Sheringham Market takes place every Saturday and Wednesday from April to November. Located in the Town Centre near to the Railway station, it's a perfect position to attract lots of visitors. There is a wide array of stalls but the favourites seem to be the fresh produce with a large selection of fruit and vegetables, delicious seafood (some which is sourced in Sheringham) and the fresh meat stall too.

As well as these, you can buy beautiful flowers, jewellery, pet food, household linen, sweets, shoes, haberdashery and more.

Make a day of it by visiting one of the lovely local cafes for a spot of lunch followed by a walk along the prom.

Every Saturday and Wednesday from April to November, 9am - 4pm.

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Diss Market

A traditional market taking place every Friday in the centre of Diss. You will find many stalls offering everything from flowers and plants, fruit and veg, eggs, underwear and nightwear, shoes, jewellery and scarves, menswear, mobile phone accessories, foodstuffs and pet supplies to name a few!

One of the highlights at Diss Market is visiting the Mummery Bros Fish Stall, they are very friendly fishmongers with a great wealth of knowledge. There is always lots to choose from such as Dover Sole, Haddock, Plaice, Cod, Red Snapper, Mackerel, Crab (in season), Lobster, Trout, Monkfish and lots more.

Once you're done at the market, you must visit Hilary & Alice just around the corner. They've got brilliant hand-painted furniture, giftware, and will even come and give your kitchen a facelift!

Every Friday 9am - 4pm.

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